A community-Inspired Initiative

Woodhaven High School
Located on the lush isle of Whidbey in the Pacific Northwest’s Puget Sound, Woodhaven is focused on community connection, mentorship, and hands-on learning.

Our Environment

Woodhaven holds classes at the South Whidbey Community Center in Langley, WA; as well as other other locales on beautiful Whidbey Island, for our on-location classes.
Location: 723 Camano Ave, Langley, WA 98260

Telephone: 360-227-6738

Email: info@woodhavenhs.org

School Hours: Mon-Thu: 9am – 2pm

Learn By Doing

Our students enjoy a wide variety of hands-on learning experiences. Adding movement and the use of additional senses allows students to more readily retain what they learn.
Kayaking, woodworking, herbal science, parkour and ceramics, are all examples of the community-driven, experiential classes we strive for.


Woodhaven’s Mission & Vision

The mission of the Woodhaven High School initiative is to build our students’ desire and ability to think, feel and act with love and purpose––to plant and nurture a seed of consciousness that will allow them to discover how essential they are within our community, where we must depend on one another and collaborate for the good of the whole. We will accomplish this through hands-on experiences––with a focus on community connection, service and mentorship. As we nourish our young people with the light of knowledge and universal truth, they will grow into deeply rooted human beings who can stand undaunted against the buffeting winds of adversity, offering strength, shelter and good fruit to those around them.

A Word

From Our Administrators

Woodhaven is a school experience that values connection, collaboration and mentorship. Whidbey Island is a rich resource of scientists, artists, tradespeople, intellectuals, and philosophers who care deeply about our world and our youth. Why not bring them together with high school students? What better way to build our kids into critical thinkers, who understand the power they have to serve with caring and compassion, in our community and beyond?”

– Marli Jenkins & Heidi Nelson


Our News & Announcements

Check out our blog to see what we’ve been up to!